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    Terms and Conditions for Airfiber Broadband Services

    Airfiber Broadband services are offered by Airfiber Networks Private Ltd. (Airfiber), having its Registered Office at #79/1, Taluk Office Road, Near Vasanth & Co, Hosur - 635109, CIN: U74999TZ2015PTC021913. 
                   All services offered under this initiative shall be referred to as being offered by “Airfiber Operations” or simply “Airfiber.” These Terms and Conditions form an integral part of the accompanying “Subscription Form” and govern the provision of services by Airfiber, pursuant to the said subscription form.

    1. Definition of Subscriber

    "Customer" or "Subscriber" refers to any person who avails the service(s) offered by Airfiber. The term "person" stated above includes individuals, partnership firms, proprietary concerns, body corporate, housing societies, association of persons or body of individuals and other artificial juridical persons..

    2. Definition of Service

    "Service" refers to all the services that Airfiber offers, markets, maintains, and supports, including updates and upgrades offered under the Airfiber initiative. However, services in relation to the Subscriber shall mean and cover only those services, which the Subscriber has specifically availed for.

    3. Agreement with Subscriber

    The Terms and Conditions published by Airfiber from time-to-time form part of the agreement between Airfiber and the Subscriber with respect to the service.  Airfiber  reserves the right to change any or all aspects of this agreement, operating rules, usage guidelines, prices governing the service, service plans,pricing structure and product/service policies at any time without prior intimation to the Subscriber in specific.

    4. Subscriber Registration

    The Subscriber acknowledges that it is his/her sole responsibility to appraise himself/herself of the Terms and Conditions, as amended from time to time as published on the Website Terms of service and agrees to abide by the same.

    The Subscriber registration must be done with complete and correct details such as name, address, telephone number and e-mail address, etc. 

    In case of any change, the same should be updated by the respective Subscriber without fail or delay, failing which Airfiber  reserves the right to terminate the service and close the account without any obligation to refund the Subscriber's account balance.

    5. Service Terms

    The terms of service published on the website shall override all other terms and conditions.

    6. Service Provision

     Airfiber Operations shall provide service to the Subscriber, in accordance with the Terms and Conditions then in force and as amended from time to time.

    7. Payment Terms

      The charges towards services subscribed is payable in advance and is non-refundable. All taxes, duties or any other levies of any nature whatsoever, payable for the services, shall be payable by the Subscriber in addition to the charges towards availed services.

    8. Service Uptime

    Airfiber will put in the best possible effort and strive to maintain the maximum possible uptime of the service. However, Airfiber will not be responsible for downtime of service due to reasons beyond its control. (Force Majeure). 

    "Force Majeure" means events like Acts of God, war (declared or undeclared), riots, civil commotion, revolutions, hostilities, strikes, epidemics, accidents, fire or any other cause similar to the kind enumerated or equal force not within the control of Airfiber and renders impossible the fulfillment of this Contract.

    9. Service Limitations

    The Subscriber also acknowledges and accepts that in the very nature of the services to be provided, there can be a number of factors affecting the services provisioned, and the obligation of Airfiber shall be limited to provide the services, on best endeavor basis. 


    10. Limitation of Liability

    Airfiber shall not be liable to the Subscribers for any loss, expense or damage of any kind arising due to the performance of Airfiber obligations under this contract or arising from disruption, interruption, suspension or malfunction of the service for whatsoever reason.

    11. Third-Party Software

    Airfiber shall not be responsible for any loss or damage which may occur resulting from the use of any third-party software which may be optionally provided to enhance user experience. Any support that is needed has to be availed from the respective software vendors/companies. The Subscribers have a free choice in regard to the usage of such software. 

    12. Data Usage

    Airfiber will be responsible only for carrying data packets and is not responsible for its nature or content. The Subscriber guarantees that the service will be used for genuine purposes only and will not be used for any immoral or unlawful or socially unacceptable purposes as stipulated from time to time by Government of India.

    13. Indemnity

    The Subscriber hereby undertakes to fully defend, indemnify and hold Airfiber, its employees, directors, officers, agents, partners, affiliates and their successors and assignees from and against any and all liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney's fees, caused by or arising out of claims based upon his/her use of Airfiber   Services, including any claim of libel, defamation, violation of rights of privacy, loss of service, loss of profit, loss of opportunity, loss of business, loss of revenue, wasted time, wasted costs, indirect, incidental, special or consequential loss arising out of or in any way connected with the use of Airfiber  Services and any other indirect or consequential loss howsoever arising.

    14. Accuracy of Information

     The Subscriber hereby confirms that all information provided by him in respect of his/her use of Airfiber services is true and accurate to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. 

    15. Subscriber Responsibility for Password Security and Online Transactions

    The Subscriber is solely responsible for the security of his/her password and for all transactions undertaken by him using his/her password through Airfiber Website http://login.airfiber.co.in/customer_portal

    The Subscriber acknowledges and accepts that considering the nature of the service, there will be a need to change the password from time to time to avoid misuse and to maintain secrecy. 

    The Subscriber hereby confirms that he is the authorized holder of the credit card/Debit Card or is the original account holder used in the transactions he makes using the Airfiber web site and he alone uses the "ID" and "Password" he has created in the site. if any, related to Airfiber  service(s). 

    Airfiber shall not be responsible for any financial loss, inconvenience or mental agony resulting from any unauthorized use /misuse of the Subscriber's User-ID/Password/credit card number/account details number for making online payments on the Airfiber Web site.

    16. Prohibition on Resale

    The Subscriber shall not distribute, transfer, re-assign, sell and/or offer or promote the service to others or otherwise share the services with others without the express authorization of Airfiber Networks Pvt LTD..

    17. Terms for Service Inspection and Termination

    In accordance with the terms of ISP license, Airfiber reserves the right to inspect the Subscribers premise at all times to ensure that the subscribers adhere to the terms of service. If the Subscriber is found in default in complying with the said terms of service, Airfiber  reserves the right to terminate the services immediately and shall not be held liable for any refund or compensation thereafter. 

    The Subscriber shall not do anything that is detrimental to Airfiber's interests. .Airfiber  shall have the right to terminate the services, without any prior notice to the subscriber, in the event of breach of these terms and conditions on the part of the Subscriber.Airfiber and the Subscriber shall also have the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving 30 days prior notice by way of general notification or publication or changes suitably made in the website www.airfiber.in without the need to assign any reason for such termination. 

    In the event of such termination by Airfiber, the subscriber shall be entitled for refund of the proportionate part of the charges paid for the unutilized period of service. However, AirFiber  shall not be liable to re-fund any amount if the termination is by the Subscriber or for breach or failure on the part of the Subscriber.

    18. Service Disclaimer

    The Subscriber acknowledges that the service is provided on "as is and available" basis. Airfiber, its employees, agents, suppliers, vendors and distributors make no warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, unless explicitly granted to the Subscriber by way of service level agreements, regarding the quality, accuracy, or validity of the data and/or information available on its systems, or residing on or passing through its interconnecting networks, or that the service will be uninterrupted or error free. Airfiber expressly excludes any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness and any service guarantees granted to the Subscriber shall be limited for the cause and period of such agreement.

    19. Agreement

    Airfiber and the Subscriber hereby agree that this agreement together with the operational rules, usage guidelines and other terms notified by Airfiber shall constitute the complete Terms and Conditions between them and there shall be no addition, modification or deletion to these Terms and Conditions unless it is so agreed in writing and signed by both Airfiber and the Subscriber. 

    20. Internet Telephony

    Telephony on Internet is permitted to a limited extent i.e. (I) From PC to PC within or outside India (ii) PC in India to telephone outside India (iii) IP based H.323/SIP terminals connected directly to ISP nodes to similar terminals within or outside India. The Subscriber shall strictly comply with the above. A violation of the same shall be treated as breach of agreement. The Subscriber hereby indemnifies Airfiber of any consequences arising out of such usage of this service. 

    21. Prohibition on Terminating Internet Telephony Calls to Public Telephone Networks

    It is illegal to terminate Internet telephony calls to any public telephone number (PSTN, ISDN, PLMN, etc.) in India, irrespective of whether the same originates in India or abroad and a violation of this clause shall be deemed as breach of agreement. 

    22. Restrictions on Service Redistribution and Liability

    The Subscriber agrees that the broadband service is a single PC connection.Airfiber shall not be responsible for any downgrade of service due to re-distribution by the Customer. Any re-distribution or sharing of this service without prior authorization of Airfiber shall be treated as unauthorized infringement of network privacy and shall be dealt with as per prevailing cyber-crime and criminal laws, and the Subscriber shall be held fully and solely responsible for any costs and consequences.

    23. Compliance with Laws and Indemnity

     In using Airfiber service, the Subscriber agrees to comply with all laws, regulations and rules applicable and hereby fully indemnifies Airfiber against any claims, losses, damages or consequences arising from non-compliance of the subscriber to any applicable laws, rules and regulations as per the terms of ISP license published by Government of India. The Subscriber expressly acknowledges that the liability of Airfiber is limited to the service rendered by Airfiber shall not be liable for any acts or deeds of the Subscriber outside the scope of this service.

    24. Agreement to Terms

    The Subscriber hereby declares that he/she has read the Terms and Conditions of service published in the Website at Terms of service and the Subscription Form completely, and that he/she unconditionally agrees to abide by them.
    The Subscriber agrees that all the Terms and Conditions were explained satisfactorily to him/her and has signed the agreement after completely understanding the same. 

    25. Network Property

    The 'network' or 'network components' used by Airfiber to render the Airfiber services, including but not limited to cables, switches and un-interrupted power supply deployed by or on behalf of Airfiber is the exclusive property of Airfiber, and the Subscriber shall not remove/re-locate the same without prior written consent from Airfiber. 
    Any attempt to violate or violation of the same shall be deemed as a willful attempt to destroy government property and the Subscriber shall be liable to be dealt with in accordance to the prevailing laws. 

    26. Subscriber Equipment

    The Subscriber equipment, if provided by Airfiber during the period of service or otherwise shall be the property of Airfiber unless fully paid for, by the Subscriber and subject to suitable acknowledgment in specific received from Airfiber towards the transfer of ownership of equipment. 

    27. Control of Devices

    Airfiber reserves the right to control/monitor the functionality of the device provided to the Subscriber (if any), from its end, during the service period. 

    28. Service Upgrades

    In order to provide speed of connection of service(s) or otherwise, Airfiber reserves the right to upgrade the service(s), without prior intimation to the Subscriber as long as tariff remains unchanged for the service. 

    29. Service Interruptions

    Services may be suspended in whole or in part at any time without notice to the Subscribers if the network requires urgent modification, maintenance or under the instructions issued by competent offices of Government of India. Airfiber shall make all reasonable efforts to minimize the         frequency and duration of such events. 

    30. Subscriber Feedback

    Airfiber reserves the right to conduct a survey to seek feedback of the Subscriber on the service(s) provided by Airfiber. 

    31. Prepaid Account Expiry

    Subscriber's Prepaid account will automatically get disconnected on expiry of the validity period or the pack value whichever is earlier, and the Subscriber shall ensure that the account is active. Airfiber shall not be held responsible for disconnection due to non-receipt of bill or non-receipt of communication regarding expiry of account. Airfiber shall charge a re-connection fee for such disconnections. 

    32. Disclosure of Information

    Airfiber may be required to disclose any information or particulars about the Subscriber to any authority, statutory or otherwise, including but not limited to any debt collecting agency, security agency, law enforcement agency, financial institution or bank and Airfiber reserves the right to comply with, at its discretion.

    33. Exclusive Use and Redistribution Restrictions

    The service is exclusively for the consumption of the Subscriber of the service. The Subscriber re-distributing or sharing the service for commercial intent is not permissible unless explicitly authorized in writing by Airfiber. Airfiber reserves the right to inspect the Subscriber's premises and disconnect the service without prior intimation, if the usage is found to be in violation of the terms and conditions of subscription, the Subscriber's account shall be closed and the balance of amount remaining to the credit the Subscriber's account shall not be refunded.

    34. Email Spamming

     The Subscriber acknowledges that spamming of e-mails is prohibited. Spamming is the transmission of any form of mail that can be interpreted as junk mail or mail generated via a distribution list, which the recipient has not specifically requested. Airfiber reserves the right to block the Subscriber's e-mail ID or even terminate the services in the event of breach of this provision is reported against the Subscriber.

    35. Speed Measurement

    The speeds mentioned against various service plans are as experienced using the Airfiber Network and cannot be accurately measured by using other network hosted tools.

    36. User Authentication

     For enhanced security, the Airfiber Broadband User-ID as chosen by the user at the time of registration, the IP address and the MAC address (unique for each LAN Card) will be used separately or jointly for authentication. This means that a User-ID can be used only from that user's PC and IP address allocated to the user. 

    37. Lawful Use

    The Subscriber shall not use the service provided by Airfiber for any illegal or unlawful purpose. The Subscriber shall at all times follow all the rules & regulations laid down by the competent authorities from time to time.

    38. Subscription Form Acceptance

    Airfiber reserves the right to accept or reject any Subscription form without citing any reason for the same.

    39. Password Security

     It shall be the duty of the Subscriber to protect and keep the password protected, safe and secured.Online requests made by any Subscriber shall be treated equivalent to the physical form of application and Airfiber shall not be liable for any unauthorized online requests made on behalf of the subscriber. 

    42. Binding Agreement

    By agreeing to the terms and conditions of the service, it binds the Subscriber and whenever and wherever applicable, his/her heirs, executors, successors and permitted assignees and benefits Airfiber and its successors and assignees.

    Airfiber reserves the right to initiate appropriate legal proceedings in case of breach of any of these terms and conditions by the Subscriber. 

    43. Proprietary Rights

    The Subscriber hereby acknowledges that the contents in the Airfiber website,including but not limited to text, software, music, sound, photographs, video, graphics or other material contained in sponsored advertisements , through E-mails distributed and the commercially produced information made available  to him by Airfiber Website or by any third party Website or contents therein, directly or indirectly accessed through links in the Airfiber Website is the Intellectual Property Rights of the respective owners of such contents . The Subscriber hereby agrees not to make any unauthorized use of these contents.

    44. Service Terms and Conditions